Who We Are

​The Unique Zan Foundation is for the unique women throughout the world! It is about lending a hand to each other and promoting compassion and social change by enhancing the lives of women.

We work with other organizations and academic institutions to support projects that positively impact women’s lives, increase cross-cultural understanding, and encourage women to become leaders in their communities.

We believe that given the opportunity, women can promote positive changes in their communities and society at large. Access to education and health care are fundamental needs that go unmet many social environments. By supporting projects that promote women’s health and education, we ultimately support women as potential leaders and encourage womens empowerment.

Due to the current high conflict situations and gender inequities in many parts of West Asia and the Middle East, we are specifically focusing on women in or from these areas.

Our mission is to empower women in education and health initiatives, and give them the opportunities to promote peace and positive changes in their communities.​

At Unique Zan Foundation our goal is to directly and indirectly:

  • Invest in women’s human rights
  • Support refugees and immigrant communities
  • Educate and train teachers in the Middle East
  • Provide technical assistance and health education and outreach
  • Train nurses and community health workers in developing countries
  • Provide educational grants to nurses, teachers, and similar professionals
  • Provide funds for building girls’ schools and health clinics in developing countries
  • Provide women with training to become leaders in their professions
  • Support pilot and evaluation research on women’s education, health, and peace-promoting efforts that will ultimately help the communities to promote program development and expansion