Award for innovative technology solutions.
Unique Zan Foundation has provided a $50,000 grant to help realize the dream of Malezi 3.
Since the beginning, the mission of the Malezi Centre & School has been to offer low-cost and, in many cases, free education to vulnerable children who otherwise would have no option for going to school. Hardly any attention has been paid to the long-term viability of the center because the sheer volume of challenges it has faced (paying teachers, hunger issues, insufficient school supplies, etc,.) has made it difficult to ever see past any given month.
Those days are over. Due to Malezi’s years of dedicated service and transformational impact, its roots have become deeply and firmly rooted in the community it lovingly serves. Owing, primarily, to the humbling sacrifice of its teachers and staff (who earn no more than $50/month) and countless stories of lives changed for the better amidst daunting circumstances, the center’s reputation borders on sacrosanct. Inspired by Malezi’s powerful service values, its network of volunteers and supporters has grown to the point where it can comfortably rely on outside support when needed.
Equally important — the dynamics of the Kitui Ndogo slum, where the center is situated, have changed dramatically for the better as Kenya, as a whole, has become a beacon of development on the African continent. Originally, Kitui residents were considered illegal squatters by the government, faced unannounced residential demolitions, and received no city services. Now, as the community officially integrates with Nairobi city, land title deeds are being distributed and basic services, such as solid waste collection collection, are offered.
You could say, Malezi is transitioning from an underground operation that was urgently responding to a dire need, to a full-fledged school and center for community betterment that is here to stay.
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